My Favorite Toy LFB Swap

I got the chance to work on my little fat book swap today while Jeff was catching up on some sleep from working all weekend and I made these. The first is using an image that Miriam gave me, and staying true to vintage chic. The second I made especially for my sister Elise who has gotten involved in In My Vintage Room swaps the last few months. The picture is of her and I when we were little. I guess, I really thought mom brought her home to be my baby doll and I toted her everywhere for as long as could--I think I even dropped her on occassion. She likes bright colors and tye-die, so I tried to make this one more colorful and child-like. She created two LFBs for the swap too, and told me to keep one. I posted my favorite as the home page of In My Vintage Room because it's absolutely adorable: she did her version of the Lollipop princess from Candyland. Toys from our childhood were the best...Popples, My Little Ponies, Barbies, Slinkies, Strawberry Shortcake, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pound Puppies and so much more. I think my favorite doll was one of my mom's--her Raggedy Ann, although my sister was pretty fun too.
Tabitha, I loved dolls too and this one is very cute. I love your 4 X 4's.