Outside of my "house"
Inside of my "house"
Detail shot of my chandalierHere is the third altered chipboard house I have created for In My Vintage Room Yahoo group's bi-monthly house swap. This theme was DREAM HOUSE, and I scoured the few Better Homes & Gardens magazines that I recently purchased for some great rooms to collage into my piece. It was tough to find images the right size to work with, but I think I was able to convey the jist of my image of a dream home. Something bright, colorful, cheery, warm, inviting, and spacious. Jeff and I are currently trying to redecorate our house, and after a fresh coat of paint and some trips to antique shows we are well on our way to revamping the ambiance of our home. Some day I will be done with school, married, and working on starting a family to fill a house that I hope will be my dream home...till then, I'll settle for my little chipboard version.